These are descriptions of how individuals experienced various symptoms during withdrawal. While everyone's withdrawal is unique and symptoms will be different for everyone, it may be useful to know what others went through. All withdrawal symptoms can be caused by things in addition to withdrawal. If a symptom is persistent or you are worried by it, it is always a good idea to get it checked out by your doctor to ensure nothing else is going on. ______________________________________________________________________ Definition: (n) The mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: "You might feel like everything you know is "wrong," everything you think is slightly off, and every image that pops into your head is slightly distorted. You often can't make decisions, because you don't trust the information your brain is sending you or because you foresee a million different outcomes, most of them negative, arising from a single choice. At the grocery store, for example, "salted or salt-free crackers" becomes a life-or-death decision. Each option opens up others. They all appear before you, interlaced, interdependent, crushing in their immediacy. All choices feel wrong; no single choice feels right. Cause and effect are no longer kissing cousins. I've felt that I could trust neither my senses nor my thoughts, and that one would often collude with the other to trick me." - Matt ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: "The inability to read long articles, watch TV, listen to the radio, drive, (drive and listen to the radio at the same time), perform simple mathematical calculations, and spell simple words, as well as the total inability to deal with more complicated issues like income taxes and financial planning. Last, but not necessarily least, the transposition of numbers ... then the transportation of letters when typing. I'm not sure if the typing thing is all spelling related. Perhaps it has something to do with eye/hand coordination too .. who knows." - Carter ______________________________________________________________________ My Coping Strategies
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Disclaimer: The information contained in this website was not compiled by a doctor or anyone with medical training. The advice contained herein should not be substituted for the advice of a physician who is well-informed in the subject matter discussed. Before making any decisions about your health or treatment you should always confer with your physician and it is always assumed that you will do so. About this site Disclaimer Contact Last updated 21 July 2020