These are descriptions of how individuals experienced various symptoms during withdrawal. While everyone's withdrawal is unique and symptoms will be different for everyone, it may be useful to know what others went through. All withdrawal symptoms can be caused by things in addition to withdrawal. If a symptom is persistent or you are worried by it, it is always a good idea to get it checked out by your doctor to ensure nothing else is going on. ______________________________________________________________________ Definition: (n) A painful and involuntary muscular contraction . ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt:
"I've had terrible muscle spasms in my feet, at
night, they are so bad they are waking me up in ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: "Muscle spasms and pain in my legs down to my feet, including the joints, plus what I can only describe as "vibrating" nerves (hundreds of non-stop "mini" spasms shooting off all over my legs, especially calves) have been a problem for me. For several months last fall, it was so bad I could hardly walk, even using a cane for a while. The severity I've just described did finally ease up" ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: "I am still suffering from muscle spasm and tremors that sometimes make it very difficult to walk, specially long distances." ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: "What is keeping me awake at night now and tortured all day is severe spasms all along the spine. It is a very active sort of pain, difficult to put into words, I have to get up and down all night, and am pretty sleep deprived. It courses up and down the spine from my head to my butt. Needless to say, my muscles are very rigid. They stick into me and to get any sleep at all, I have to lie on my back all night, interspersed with getting up and down." ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: "Benzos are also muscles relaxants, so when the drug is withdrawn, muscles are going to respond in exactly the opposite way by potentially becoming rigid or jerky or both ." ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: "The one symptom that I've had for a really long time is that my muscles are cog wheeling or moving ratchety. It would be like when you bend your neck down, you feel every little move, and that happens in every part of my body that I move." ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: "Backpain – I seem to have bad muscles spasms in the quadratus lumbordum, psoas, and buttock muscles and it seems to put a strain on my pelvis and SI joint." Alli ______________________________________________________________________
My Coping Strategies
Disclaimer: The information contained in this website was not compiled by a doctor or anyone with medical training. The advice contained herein should not be substituted for the advice of a physician who is well-informed in the subject matter discussed. Before making any decisions about your health or treatment you should always confer with your physician and it is always assumed that you will do so. About this site Disclaimer Contact Last updated 21 July 2020