These are descriptions of how individuals experienced various symptoms during withdrawal. While everyone's withdrawal is unique and symptoms will be different for everyone, it may be useful to know what others went through. All withdrawal symptoms can be caused by things in addition to withdrawal. If a symptom is persistent or you are worried by it, it is always a good idea to get it checked out by your doctor to ensure nothing else is going on. ______________________________________________________________________ Definition: (n) A brief, involuntary twitching (muscle contraction) of a muscle or a group of muscles, particularly when falling asleep. Also knows as "sleep starts." ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: "You feel like someone has jolted you with a cattle prod just as you're drifting off to sleep. One or both legs might kick; an arm, flopped out to the side, might suddenly spasm; or a bolt of what feels like electricity might ripple through your core, lifting you off the bed in a sort of swan-dive position, as the current races into your limbs. Another sensation that accompanies sleep starts is one of falling, i.e., you have a dream, premonition, or sensation of hurtling toward Earth from a great height, and the myclonic jerk snaps you awake just before you crater." "I've always had a mild problem with myoclonic jerking, especially as I'm falling asleep, but it became much worse as I neared the lower reaches of my taper." I couldn't nap because the spasms would kick me awake, and I'd then sleep poorly at night because, fearing the jerks, I became agitated. " - Matt ______________________________________________________________________ What I've Felt: “I experience occasional jerks and twitches in my arms and legs. The worst one I have is in my jaw which seems to snap together – this happens as I fall to sleep.” - Anthea ______________________________________________________________________ My Coping Strategies
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Disclaimer: The information contained in this website was not compiled by a doctor or anyone with medical training. The advice contained herein should not be substituted for the advice of a physician who is well-informed in the subject matter discussed. Before making any decisions about your health or treatment you should always confer with your physician and it is always assumed that you will do so. About this site Disclaimer Contact Last updated 21 July 2020