All data must be read in conjunction with the survey limitations The doses of benzodiazepines taken for all those participating in the surveys were converted to Valium equivalencies for comparison purposes. Valium equivalencies were calculated based on the Ashton Manual. These equivalents do not agree with those used by some authors and/or doctors. However they are firmly based on Dr. Ashton's clinical experience. Seventy-four percent (74%) of respondents had a daily dose of 40mg or less, Valium equivalent. Six percent (6%) had a daily dose of over 120mg. The graph below show the distribution for each of the survey dates. The distribution at the two survey dates is very similar.
The average dose over all in December 2009 was 45mg valium equivalent per day, in June 2007 it was 46mg. The graph below compares the medium amount of drug being taken for each of the major drugs types at each survey date. The medium amount of Xanax taken as at December 2009 was 32.5mg (valium equivalent), this was slightly higher than the 30mg as at June 2007. The medium amount of other benzos was also slight higher, 40mg (valium equivalent) compare with 35mg. The graph below shows the average amount of each of the major drug types as at December 2009. The median amounts are less than the average amounts because the majority of respondents were taking 40mg valium equivalent a day or less, that is the average is being affected by a few people taking higher amounts. The average amount for those taking Xanax and those on combinations of drugs is higher than the other categories.
The graph below shows the average amount of drug (valium equivalent) taken by each of the main survey groups.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this website was not compiled by a doctor or anyone with medical training. The advice contained herein should not be substituted for the advice of a physician who is well-informed in the subject matter discussed. Before making any decisions about your health or treatment you should always confer with your physician and it is always assumed that you will do so. About this site Disclaimer Contact Last updated 21 July 2020