All data must be read in conjunction with the survey limitations To assess how benzodiazepine withdrawal and recovery affected day to day life, respondents were asked to rate which of the following activities they were able to do with ease. Self care - showering, dressing Cooking Housework and home care Shopping Socializing Driving Working Exercise Intellectual Respondents were asked to rate their abilities with these activities at the following points in their benzodiazepine journey - Before starting benzos - At the time of deciding to withdraw - The worst point in withdrawal - The end of taper - 12 months off and not well - 24 months off and not well - 36 months off and not well - At the time of deciding to stay on benzos In order that comparisons could be made, a respondent was allocated one point for every activity they were able to participate in with ease. It is assumed that a completely healthy person would score either 8 or 9 points depending on their ability to drive. |
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